HOA Board Meetings
Updated: Oct 11, 2023
Each owner at Mesa Village is a member of the Home Owners' Association (HOA).
January Meeting - The Mesa Village By-Laws dictate that the Mesa Village Home Owners' Association meet each year on the fourth Tuesday in January to approve a budget, decide on members of the HOA Board and conduct business. It is necessary to achieve a quorum of voting owners in order conduct business. We must have 91 owners casting vote, either by attending the meeting or by filling out a proxy form. Details can be found in the Mesa Village By-Laws.
HOA board meetings occur throughout the remainder of the year on the third Thursday of the month. Board meetings do not occur every single month. Meeting announcements will be posted here on the Mesa Village website and will include the most up to date meeting information. Owners will also receive an email announcing upcoming meetings . If you are an owner and are not receiving emails about the meetings, please complete our owner contact form to update your current contact information.
Current HOA Board Members are:
William Ragsdale, President
Bill Darling, Vice President
Walter Ivie, Treasurer
Ree Nurnberger, Ombudsman
Diane Dean, Secretary
HOA Board members serve three year terms and the positions are completely voluntary. Any Mesa Village owner can volunteer to become a member of the board ahead of the annual owners' meeting in January.
Thank you